Sunday, February 21, 2010

Photos for Connie :)

We walked around our property the other day looking for signs of spring and found some indication that spring is just around the corner.

Here is a bloom from an apple tree.


A blueberry bush has some new growth.


Forsythia bloom


An Azalea starting to bloom.


The green grass hasn’t come back yet, which also means no mowing to do.  With 11 acres to mow, we do enjoy the break. The green spots are our abundant supply of weeds.  We get special weeds in the winter, and then they die off and we get a new crop in the summer.


Pretty soon our field of Red Clover will start to bloom.  It’s beautiful.

This is a picture from last year.

Can’t wait for spring!


Connie and Barry said... [Reply to comment]

OMG, weeds in the winter - it keeps me stepping with weeds in the summertime!

Gorgeous pics - thanks Karen for sharing! I just might have to print them off and tape them to my window. All I see when I look out is SNOW on GRASS!

Connie :)