Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

It was a beautiful sunny day. We went out for lunch at Cedar River Seafood and then home for a nap. We had worn ourselves out yesterday. We went to Thomasville and did the 3+ mile Rose City Walk. We hadn't been doing much walking lately and with the hills, it was a workout. We worked outside, weeding, trimming trees and general clean up work.

Al was supposed to go back to Tampa tomorrow, but we're getting more severe weather with possible tornadoes, so he may delay the trip.

The baffle on our bird house had fallen down. We were afraid the babies may have been gone, but Al looked inside and we have at least 2 Carolina Chickadees. We jury rigged the baffle and will fix it once they fledge.

We also have 4 baby Blue Birds. They must be 10-12 days old so they should fledge soon. Momma and Daddy feed regularly from our seed bird feeder right by the back door. Our meal worm supply hasn't kept up so they have learned to eat the seed.