Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bluebirds Everywhere!

We have 5 Bluebird nest boxes that we put up on our property and they are well used this year.

Our 4th batch just fledged which make 17 babies.  There is one box that has youngsters that appear to be about ready to fledge and one more box with 5 eggs.  That same box successfully fledged 5 babies when we were camping in Keaton Beach.  I have to think this is the same parents because they normally don't lay 5 eggs.

So assuming the two nests we currently have successfully fledge that will bring out number to 26, so far for the year!  I think we're doing our part to help bring the Blue Bird population back :)


Cindy said... [Reply to comment]

So cute!! I Love Bluebirds!!

Cindy and Walker

Happytrails said... [Reply to comment]

What a beautiful picture! You captured that Bluebird at just the right pose! They are just beautiful birds.:)
Yes, you have done very well with the Bluebird population this year.
They love the peace and tranquility of your farm!!

Take care!
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

Margie and Roger said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for increasing the bluebird population - love 'em.