We have a thief that’s been stealing our valuables. We haven’t been able to get any help from the police either.
I don’t know how we are going to be able to solve the problem.
Any suggestions???
This little guy just helped himself to a peach and then ran like crazy to find a nice nook to enjoy his meal! The little stinker. We’ve caught him in the act several times.
I say let the little fellow have his fruit. He worked so hard for it and obviously he is pretty creative. :)
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
He will actually strip your treeof all peaches!!. My dad bebe guns them..some hang in the trees..noise makers..shiny tin pie plates. I have seen stuffed animals in the trees to deter them. good luck!! How did the pickles turn out? I just put up 12 pints and 4 quarts of dill today..and I still have 5 gallons more to do..and need to pick tomorrow..oye vei!!
I borrrowed my MIL seal-a meal..will be using that this week also..on okra tomatoes..squash..black eyes.
It's the garden that will never stopp!!lol
I have a new recipe ..to me..my kids have been eating it for years at a friends house..Hot dill pickles..quick 1 day fix..3 weeks of setting..till you can eat. You need this?
Cindy and Walker
I suggest you help him make a fruit salad. I know you have gorgeous blueberries you could share :)
Squirrels are sneaky! Little thieves! But, I still think they are fun to watch.
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